Techcross Presented a Market Forecast at Conference


Asian Ballast Water Treatment Technology Conference was held in Singapore on March 8. It gave the insights into BWT regulations, technology and management strategy to ship owners who are anxious about the implementation of Ballast Water Management Convention as of September 2017.
 Asian Ballast Water Treatment Technology Conference consisted of 5 sessions and in the session II titled “Approved Solutions, Techcross had a presentation of “BWMS Market Forecast” by Tony Kang, General Manager of Strategy & Planning Department. He presented market forecasts with 2 possible scenarios based on current maritime industry status. The attendees showed great interest in the supportive material that can help them to set up a future strategy with actual figures.
 At the forthcoming “European Ballast Water Treatment Technology” conference scheduled to be held in Armsterdam on 24th April, Techcross will have a presentation titled Techcross as a Total Solution Provider. Those who have inquires related to this conference can contact Techcross staff through “Contact” menu at Techcross website. 
